Friday, December 28, 2018

Vigilo Sententia. Awake thoughts.

"The mind is a terrible thing to waste."  The mantra of parent, teacher, and wizard alike, who see education as the future of the world.  But lets focus a bit on the wizards here, as their view of intelligence is often extremely selfish.  They hoard knowledge for themselves, secreting it away from friend, enemy, and colleague alike.  This is their biggest mistake.

They think that the knowledge is 'theirs.'  This couldn't be further from the truth.  Experiences might belong to the being who experienced it, but knowledge belongs to the plane of existence itself.  Knowledge IS existence.  And that knowledge is, as a result, alive.  Usually this isn't an issue.  Knowledge is helpful.  Knowledge is Benevolent.  It tends to want to help people.  That's why it allows itself to be captured and contained inside lumps of meat inside bone inside flesh.

But not all knowledge is equal, and this is why we're talking about Wizards.  Wizards crave the unknown and crave the eldritch.  They crave to know things that aren't supposed to be known, knowledge that neither wants to be found, nor contained, and when it finds itself trapped... it rebels.  This creature you see here is the result of one of those rebellions, of knowledge in a mind that forces itself out, and punishes its jailer like any prisoner might.  It uses the selfish nature of the wizard to turn the feelings of the usually benevolent knowledge's against its jailers too.  This is a creature made up of the knowledge's that have taken over and killed its jailer, and taken a life of its own, ruled by the hatred of captivity over the freedom of being a concept.

Creatures like this are called Vigilo Sententia.  Awake thoughts.  Each one is different, depending on the knowledge's that rebelled against their captors.  They are hostile, seeking to liberate trapped knowledge's from every slaver that contains them... And they are also extremely intelligent, being made of knowledge's itself.  If you see one, be very careful.  You're not likely to outwit them.

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