Monday, December 31, 2018

Neon elemental

You know, it's a funny thing.  When someone talks about an 'elemental' they talk about concepts.  Water, fire, earth, and wind.  Water and earth are combinations of elements, fire is a state of matter, plasma, and wind is just... gaseous elements that are moving.  They aren't ACTUALLY elements.

But, there ARE entities out there, made out of a single element.  Now, many of them may be mistaken for wind, water, or earth elementals, given their basic nature, but, in my research, there has shown to be a serious difference between a 'wind' elemental, and a 'Flourine' elemental, or a significant difference between an earth elemental, and a Calcium elemental.

In my research, this entity is what I can best describe as a Neon Elemental.  Gaseous in nature, but MUCH more dangerous under the right circumstances.  Usually, they are passive, invisible entities, with no color, taste, or odor.  But, if it was agitated properly, such as being struck with a powerful electricity spell, then it can grow quite... violent.  It lashes out with speed and cunning, burning and electrocuting its foes with vibrant colors of gas.  Its rampage lasts until the charge stored within it vanishes... unfortunately, that depends on how powerful the electricity was.  My advice on the Neon Elemental?  Be wary with spells you cast.  You might find yourself fighting an extra foe much stronger than intended.  later, I will discuss the dangers of Hydrogen elementals...

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