Saturday, December 29, 2018


You know the weird thing about corpses?  They do shit afterwards.  Like, I'm not talking about Vampires, zombies, or things like that.  I mean, like, there is a PROCESS these things go through.  When a creature dies, they decompose and shit like that.  It's really nasty.

But, ya know, there are some creatures with really weird biology, like these Gargimae.  They have natural helium bladders in their bodies that allow them to float.  Kinda like space whales, they eat the tiny bugs and stuff, but they're big.  When they die, and not because they got shot, their helium bladders will swell up to near popping point... near, but not complete.  Usually this means they'll float up into the atmosphere until air differential DOES make them pop, or something attacks them.  But if you can weigh them down properly, they make good use as organic balloons.

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