Thursday, January 10, 2019

The Trial

"THE BEAST IS HERE!" The voices cry, as the people cheer, hoping it will die.  The creature comes, bound and dragged by thick chains that make it impossible to move.  Thrown to the ground in front of the lord of the land, its head lowered, though not by the weight of the muzzle.

"For crimes against the crown, harming Its people and terrorizing its land, what say you beast?"  The Lord, draped in silver and gold, matching the bindings the beast was wrapped in.


The hall gasped collectively, as the creature opened its piercing eyes, and looked up at the king, who's mouth was agape in horror.

"My people are not the ones who harm your people." The Beast spoke out, continuing to keep his head bowed in respect.

"A likely claim for someone trying to save your skin.  Admit your guilt and be done with it."  The king said, reclaiming his composure, as the people looked to him for explanation, many of the masses agreeing with the assessment from his Highness.

"I am not able to lie, neither for self preservation, nor convenience." The Beast continued, but this only seemed to anger the king who felt he was being made a mockery of.

"Then if you will not admit your guilt to treason, then I shall sentence you to death for insubordination to the crown!  Guards, take this monster to the gallows!  Let 'his people' see what happens when they assault you!"

The Beast said nothing as he was forced to stand and march, he did not resist the Kings Guard.  The people cheered for the judgement, blindly faithful to His Rule, certain it was the right one.

This wonderful art was drawn and provided by Matt Cowdery.  Thank you for letting me work with your art!

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