Thursday, January 10, 2019


There is something to be said about power.  Some crave it.  Some fear it.  Many respect it.

But few have it.

Fewer still have it in such quantity that they wish they could have less.

Greater Demon Lord Wtec was one such of the latter.  An entity without peer, he hasn't know what it was like to be challenged in eons.  No army provided cunning enough, no wizard powerful enough, no uprising desperate enough.  Wtec sits upon his throne of ruin, looking over what he has wrought.  Boredom overtook him as he... gave up.  Truly, he believed, there was nobody that would be able or willing to offer him a sense of pride in a battle, someone that would make him strain or hurt.

When a mortal 'gives up' they die.  One way or another their life ceases to exist.  But, for an outer entity like this, there is a much different price.  They cease to exist on a different level than simply their soul going to another plane.  Some turn to dust, some blink out of existence entirely, but Wtec turned to stone, sitting upon the throne of the last empire he challenged, his last hope of hope.  There was no joy without the challenge and as he sat upon the broken seat of the fallen people, his muscles firmed and his body stiffened.  He knew what was happening, but at that time, he didn't care.

The statue of Wtec stands through time immemorial.  New peoples have come and gone, taking him as their god, taking him as a warning, and countless other stories that they all make up in reference to the colossal statue of a monster.

But there is one story that rings eerily true and consistent among all cultures that have encountered the stone Goliath... That one day, he will awaken again.  Maybe from a ritual, maybe a challenge, maybe just time itself...  But Wtec is said to return.

Many thanks to Matt Cowder for letting me work with his art!

1 comment:

  1. "In this hex is the stone body of the Greater Demon Wtec. Roll 1d20 plus your level each time you approach the statue. If you roll over 30, roll for initiative."
